Effective email marketing starts with the understanding that you can’t send every campaign to everyone on your list – well, you can, but you shouldn’t. There is just too much going on in your recipients’ inboxes and in their online experiences. A sloppy campaign without a specific target will become part of the din. If you want […]
Tag: email
Some exciting numbers have come in around the usage and value of email marketing for businesses… makes you wonder why anyone is saying email is dead, no? Check out the details here: How Much Revenue Does Email Drive? Research suggests email marketing beats just about everything for ROI Email is a tried and true digital […]
You’re reading Email Marketing Success Stories, pt 2 of 2 where we will discuss how automated marketing played a key role in improving Workforce’s sales process. To read part one about Salesforce and how an email redesign improved their lead generation, click here. In “Success Stories: Part 1” a business improved lead generation through a more […]
Email Marketing Success Stories, pt 1 of 2: Email Lead Generation Email marketing continues to generate impressive returns: every dollar spent yields an average of around $44. Emails can be used for branding, lead generation, sales, and customer retention – but returns depend on the effectiveness of your campaigns. Here is an example of a […]