Email Marketing

Simple Ways to Improve Your Email Open & Click-through Rates

We all get emails that we scroll right through or don’t even bother opening.  I’ve even seen people delete emails before opening them.  In the digital world of junk emails, how do you get your emails to stand out?

Provide a clear, concise, and intriguing subject line.  The subject line should state exactly what the email is about and what the benefits are for that particular segment.  Subject lines that are about 65 characters long are ones that tend to be read.

But it’s not all about the subject line.  Some might spend all their time on forming the best subject line, focusing on getting high open rates; however, open rates mean nothing when the target audience ends up losing interest within 10 seconds of opening your email.

When writing your content, keep in mind the target audience and stay focused on your goal of conversion.  Provide personalized content that offers value to them and you.  And don’t just constantly send self-promoting messages—that’s the best way to get your email marked as junk mail.

Don’t forget to make your emails mobile friendly as more and more emails are being opened on mobile devices.

Finally, take a look at measurable results.  See what works by conducting A/B testing on subject lines, copy, design, etc., and tweak your emails to get the best response rates.

Keep these tips in mind when writing your next email campaign!