More and more people are reading on the go,42% of all email marketing is opened on a phone, so your email advertising better be ready to adapt to the smaller screen.
This makes it even more important to remember your direct marketing basics: keep it simple, keep it short, and make it obvious. If you have a long pitch, it is going to look like it lasts an eternity on the phone.
Mobile doesn’t change the game, it just means you have to play the game you’re already playing, except better. We can help you craft for mobile, or desktop if you need help.
How Mobile Readers Interact With Marketing Emails
by Ayaz Nanji | May 20, 2014

The analysis of 6 million email marketing campaigns sent by Campaign Monitor found that 41% occurred on a mobile device in 2013, compared with 28% on a desktop and 22% via webmail.
This shift towards mobile has been rapid: From 2011 to 2013, email opens on mobile devices increased 30%.
As with initial email opens, clicks are increasingly occurring on mobile devices as well (33% of total in 2013).
However, clicks as a percentage of opens are significantly lower on mobile than on other platforms.
Moreover, the percentage of clicks relative to opens has steadily decreased on mobile over time, even as it has stayed fairly steady on webmail and desktop clients, the analysis found.
This decreased initial mobile email CTR may partially be due to users’ increasingly “triaging” messages on their devices (i.e., opening them quickly then returning later to re-read/interact).
Overall, nearly a quarter (23%) of campaigns initially opened on mobile devices were later opened a second time by consumers (70% on the same device, 30% on a different device).
The analysis also found mobile readers who opened emails a second time from their computers were 65% more likely to click through, indicating that optimizing for both mobile email opens and later desktop interactions can have a significant payoff.
About the research: The report was based on data from 6 million email marketing campaigns sent by Campaign Monitor.