To The Point

Spotlight: Jarylle Montevirgen, Copywriting Intern

My Experience as a Copywriting Intern at TTPM

It’s my last week here at TTPM, and here are my final thoughts:

Jarylle Montevirgen - Copywriting InternOn content…

I have written several pages of content for our website. I love checking things off lists, so every time I would finish a page, CHECK and it’s done.  I quickly learned that that is never the case when it comes to content!  As I research and think more and more about our buyer personas, I am always thinking of new ideas, which sometimes means changing or adding to previous content, whether it’s more writing, adding pictures, or linking out to different pages.

I might be reading blogs online and see one that supplements a previous blog I wrote. *Link*  I may write a new blog that is a more detailed version of a different blog.  *Link*  I might find a funny meme related to a post.  *Post on Twitter* *Link*  While I still check things off my list out of habit, I never consider posts as 100% completed—content is and should always be considered as dynamic.

On working for an agency…

I didn’t major in marketing or anything business-related—in fact, I was a Nutrition:Dietetics major in college! I had previous experience in blogging and loved it, so I applied to this agency.  Working for TTPM has taught me more about digital marketing than I could imagine.  I thought I was going to be doing mostly “intern stuff” i.e. getting coffee, doing Staples runs, etc., but being a small agency, I was able to do and learn a lot more than I expected!  As an intern, I was able to work with actual clients and write content for them.  I was pushed outside of my comfort zone as I wrote blogs and emails with content ranging from HVAC and roll forming to higher education.  During the end of my six months, I was able to produce most of the content for one of our email campaigns!


This is honestly the best group of people I have worked with. Having great professional and social personalities, I was always in a positive environment!  Everyone here has their own personality both in business and in general, always making me laugh but also helping me out when I have questions.  No matter the question, there is always someone who is an expert on it!  Working here has prepared me for a successful digital marketing career.