B2B Marketing

How to Define Your Target Market

We talked about common content marketing mistakes in last week’s blog post, all of which touch on identifying and understanding your buyer personas.  You want to figure this out so you can finally form targeted marketing strategies to increase your client base.  But how do you even begin to figure out your target audience?

The answer is: look at your own client base!  This is the easiest way to figure out your target market.

  • Why did your clients choose you?
  • What products or services are they interested in?
  • Where are they from?
  • How did they find your company?

Pay close attention to your current customers’ needs and wants, and figure out their demographics.  After that, you’ll begin to develop a sense of your target audience.

After you research your own client base, it’s time to look at your competitors.  A simple Google search can help you find them!  Look at what they’re doing and what works for them.  Doing this isn’t so you can copy them.  Think outside the box, and find out what sets you apart from your competitors—Does your product or service have a benefit that others don’t?  Does your team have more certified professionals than your competitors’?  Target businesses that need your specialty!  When you find out what sets your company apart, make it known on your website, campaigns, etc. for your prospects to see.  This will make it easy for them to make a decision if it comes down to you or any of your competitors.

Like most things, you should always look to evaluate and improve your target market.  Is your audience too small?   Do you understand every stage of your buyers’ journeys?  Continue to reevaluate to optimize your marketing strategies.

Knowing as much as you can about your ideal clients will allow you to narrow down and test the best marketing strategies for your company.