B2B Marketing Social Media

Social Media in the B2B World

Great blog on using social media in the B2B industry on Pardot!  As a B2B company, this was a useful read for us on using Twitter, staying updated on social media, and sending out swag.

B2B Social Media Magic: 3 Ways to Connect with Your Customers

It’s time to talk about the elephant in the room: Social Media for B2B Marketers. If you’re like most marketers, when it comes to getting your content out there, you might feel a bit like a bull in a china shop. That said, social media is firmly entrenched as part of ours – and our customers’ lives. It’s normal to see people taking selfies, tweeting their latest favorite catch phrase, and sharing the slightly sarcastic things their cats did. But how do you make it normal to talk about engine parts? Or restaurant appliances? Is there truly a space for these things in the same place as cool graffiti and last night’s dinner? And if there is – how do you compete?

To borrow a phrase from Douglas Adams: Don’t Panic. We’ve got you covered. Have a look at these five tips to stay sane and share your B2B content in the crazy world of ‘catstagram.’


According to SproutSocial, 55% of B2B Marketers use Twitter. It might not seem like it would work for B2B content, but Twitter is a great place to promote new downloadable assets, competitions and giveaway, and links to all kinds of landing pages, videos and infographics. Choosing which social media networks to promote your content on is less about picking the one that all the B2B Marketers use, and more about picking the one that all your ideal buyers use. Think about who it is you want to target, and then picture them after work. What kind of person are they? Where do they hang out to stay informed on what’s happening in their industry? That’s where you’ll want to be.


Timeliness is everything when it comes to social media, and keeping a finger on the pulse of what’s happening – not just in your industry, but in the world at large – will come in handy. The trick is to keep up with things that are happening as they’re happening, starting with these simple tips:

  • Everyone’s a consumer of something right? Think about what you’re interested in as a marketer in your industry. What are the things you’d want to know most about?
  • Big industry events are an exciting time for everyone, and trends are sure to emerge in the midst of the panels and discussions. While you’re attending sessions, broadcast a video or tweet about the trends you’re picking up on and what makes them exciting. You’ll be ahead of the curve, and, you might have the opportunity to set the stage for discussion.
  • New technology often brings new capabilities with it, and no matter how simple, it’s always good to get a jump on finding new ways to highlight your brand’s ability to adapt to emerging tech. Bonus points if you can start working out how your brand works with emerging tech.


Science has proven that people love to get free stuff. Swag is a great way to keep your followers following – and social media gives plenty of opportunities to hold contests, give aways, and raffles. It’s as simple as “Download our eBook and enter to win a t-shirt” or as complex as “Tell us how [our product] has helped you and win a Sweatshirt.” Swag is a powerful way to encourage and reward your followers for participating and engaging with you on social media. Even if you aren’t hosting contests and competitions, you can give out your swag as a reward for insightful or appreciative comments.

Click here to read the full post by Lautel Okhio.